In the Coffee section, you can read about the different facets of good-tasting coffee and find what equipment I use and where I find my coffee beans.
Freshly roasted coffee beans are the key. I purchase green coffee beans across the Internet, roast them myself using a drum roaster, grind them just before brewing, and brew them using various means, such as espresso, vacuum pot, filter press, and drip. Many of my favorite parts of the day include coffee.
Book Reviews has some book reviews I've written. So far, these are all computer books, but I plan to add more soon.
If you're interested in Science Fiction, be sure to check my Science Fiction pages for links and info on my favorite series and authors.
I do most of my applications as database applets in HanDBase, which has iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry versions.
I also have a specialized database applet for home coffee roasters, which lets me keep track of my inventory of various beans, the ones I want to order next, roasting notes, vendors, and other important information. The Coffee Beans database requires you to have HanDBase and runs on iPhone, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry. It has not been released to the public, but is available to individual home coffee roasters as "request–ware."
One of the really fun experiences I've had with my computer occurred a few years ago. It all started as a joke on my son about his school's new "parent support website." The school's initials were "PBS." Of course, they really didn't have a site, and certainly not one like I had described, so I had to create a spoof site overnight to really pull his leg. The result was a hoot. The "PBS" site is here.
Other sections of the site:
Many of my Computer Tips began life as handouts that I developed for workshops I have taught at a local computer club. These tips include subjects such as Windows XP, "bugs in the background," home networking basics, wireless networking, computer security, wireless networking security, spyware/adware/malware, and free/alternative software.
My Home Theater PC pages have now moved to my new home theater site. Visit Terry's Home Theater for articles on home theater systems, home theater plasma screens, lcd screens, projection systems and more.